Adding a Gitea hosting service to IndieHosters

@pierreok @unteem @hougo thanks a lot of today’s discussion. The recording (in French) was uploaded.

Since we last discussed a lot has happened at I would love the opportunity to debrief whenever you can. Spoiler alert: zero potential customers in sight. And not for lack of looking for them :smiley:

A date pool around July 17th:

And the admin link in case other dates are a better fit:


1 « J'aime »


I may have found a customer for you :wink:

2 « J'aime »


Let’s discuss too!

Tuesday July 19th, 2022 3pm UTC+2

Very much looking forward to this discussion.

A gentle reminder about tomorrow’s meeting. I’ll rehearse my pitch to be 5 minutes and then we can discuss informally.

Thanks for this meeting. The recording is here.

My main takeaways are:

  • Many suggestions to improve so that it is more appealing to potential customers (the price is difficult to find, etc.)
  • The price of the instances is too low
  • It is very difficult to be sustainable with just renting instances

I said during the meeting that there is no chance to find customers for this product and therefore it does not matter if they are not profitable, as long as they do no loose money.

I then also said that I have an intuition that there might be B2B related income, contracts with governmental agencies who need support, maybe related to federation. And there might be funding for R&D when exploring federation as deployed in Hostea.

But I was not very convincing. In the end Hostea is a service that works from a technical standpoint but has no visible commercial future.

@unteem mentioned a potential customer and I’d be happy to followup with them to figure out if Hostea is a good fit for them.

IndieHosters could become a member of Hostea. I explained the revenue sharing model using this potential customer as an example. And also explained that since Hostea is not incorporated, members invoice each other every months or every three months.

Since Hostea is horizontal and not incorporated, being a member is just a matter of declaring to be a member publicly.

1 « J'aime »

@unteem @pierreok if and when IndieHosters decides to be a member of Hostea, please let me know and I’ll invite a representative to the forum group which is pretty much the only place that lists members.

To account for the Hostea related work (including today’s meeting), you would need to create or update an issue with the time spent, in this repository. The next income split is likely to happen in September and you’ll get your share. It is explained in more details in the revenue sharing model and the corresponding section of the governance guide. I’m happy to answer any questions you may have, it is still very fresh.

1 « J'aime »

@unteem @pierreok there has been new developments since we last talked. In a nutshell:

  • Hostea is going to be renamed Gna!
  • Gna! will provide both shared hosting and dedicated hosting
  • Gna! will provide both GitLab and Gitea
  • Gna! will exclusively focus on hosting and not provide services (that’s what IndieHosters does)

It now makes intuitive sense to me why IndieHosters would be a perfect member of the collective. I would very much like the opportunity to present this whenever IndieHosters makes plans for the next six months, which should happen in the next few weeks if I’m not mistaken?

1 « J'aime »

The renaming happened (very tedious :sweat_smile: ). Would you mind letting me know when IndieHosters members will spend a week together discussing strategy for the upcoming six months? I’d like to make sure I’m available, should you be inclined to discuss how and can cooperate.

Hey ! It is an interesting strategy, I hope it will pan out. We haven’t yet fixed a date for our biannual planning meetup, but it’ll most likely be in November. I think we can plan for a call maybe in October ?

1 « J'aime »

I’m available whenever you prefer!

What about in the following days?

When do you prefer :

  • Tomorrow afternoon ?
  • Friday morning ?
  • Friday next week ?

(Tim is off this week).

1 « J'aime »

Friday 28th October would be perfect :sparkles: I’m available all day, you can choose whatever hour you prefer!

Cool ! 11h on Jitsi Meet ?

1 « J'aime »

C’est noté, à vendredi prochain :slight_smile:

1 « J'aime »

I’ll be a few minutes late: the videoconference room is busy. Sorry about that.

Thanks for the discussion and the notes :slight_smile: I’m copy/pasting them here (with just typo edits) for the record.

Présentation de GNA!

Service d’hébergement de forge basé sur Gitea et Gitlab.
Inscription gratuite sur une instance mutualisé.
Si besoin de plus de ressources → payant
C’est une vitrine
Approche similaire que Gitlab et Github mais bien sûr pas de logiciel privateur.

Collectif informel. Expertise sur gitlab/gitea.
Collectifs qui travaillent sur Gna sont rémunérés. L’intérêt aussi est que ce soit une vitrine pour eux et leurs offres, solidifie leur réputation.

Questions / Remarques:
Gitlab et pas que gitea ?
Le projet intial c’est la fédération des forges. Donc il y a un intérêt à avoir plusieurs forges.

::: warning
Les leads de Gitea ont récupéré marque et les domaines et créé une boite à Hong Kong

Gitlab fédéré ca sera possible mais sur son fork (

Comment IH peut s’inscrire là dedans ?

Gna! aujourd’hui c’est:

  • Collectif Libre Solutions (Aravin)
  • BearsTech
  • EasterEggs
  • Webarchitects
  • Autonomics (en discussion)

Faire un dossier de rescrit pour le Crédit d’Impôt Recherche.

1ere étape: passer 1 ou 2 journées avec quelqu’un de IH pour que IH monte son dossier CIR en prenant celui de Easter-eggs en exemple.

Délai pour validation du dossier c’est 3-6 mois.

Ensuite une fois l’argent débloqué. Encore flou, on ne sait pas vraiment où en sera Gna! à ce moment là et ce que voudrait faire IH (travailler sur la stack Gna!, faire des patchs Gitea, bosser sur feature de fédération…)

Dans le dossier CIR, on peut intégrer d’autres choses autres que liés à Gna!.
gitea :wink:
Ex: 50k, 25k sur projets autres et 25k sur Gna!

IH se questionne si veut vraiment continuer l’hébergement de forge et avoir une offre de service
Si fait partie de Gna! => avoir une offre de service autour des forges

Comment se passe la mutualisation de la maintenance du service ?
Pour le paiement un membre du collectif (actuellement Loïc) prend en charge tous les paiements

Pour la maintenance rotation entre les membres du collectif.

Comment intégrer son SSO sur une forge ?

Pas besoin de faire de bénéficie pour bénéficier du CIR. Si pas de bénéfice, récupère de l’argent.

I’m eager to know what has been discussed and concluded :slight_smile:

Hey ! It’s a really cool project, and we would love to help FOSS and federated forges to take off. But sadly, we have our hands quite full for the next 6 months, and it would be an overreach for our small team. We’ll definitely follow Gna’s progress, thought !

1 « J'aime »